Morning in the Garden of Memory

Happy accidents sometimes arrive when we open ourselves up to the process of experimentation and let go of control.  Yesterday, I decided to try out a technique to reclaim the negatives of Fuji FP 100-C peel apart film.  I had already intended to use the positives in another project, and wanted to see if the reclaimed negatives would be visually interesting of just a bit... blah.  

To be honest, the film itself doesn't really excite me all too much.  I use it because it is reliable.  After investing in packs of expired Polaroid film, only to find that the film is not usable, I wanted some certainty that at least a photo of some kind would come out of my camera, and so I asked for some Fuji film for my birthday.  

But last night, as I scanned the recovered negatives and saw the results on the computer screen, I almost fell out of my chair.  The colors are unreal, the bleach cleaner having shifted them and destroyed to some extent the fragile emulsion.  A lot of the detail that is visible in the original photos has been lost, but these scans have the ambiance of old pictorialist images.  I could not be happier with the results.  



The rest of the series is visible on my gallery page.

Here's to happy accidents!

Until next time...
